Home Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy

Effective 10 October, 2019

Pfizer respects the privacy and confidentiality of personal information. This Privacy Policy describes the personal information Pfizer collects about you on the website/mobile application from which you are linked (“Site”); how we use that information; how we protect it; and the choices you may make with respect to your personal information. When we refer to ourselves as “we” or “Pfizer,” we mean Pfizer Saudi Limited and its affiliates and subsidiaries from time to time. By continuing to use the Site and/or providing personal information to us online or offline/via hard copy/paper, including consent form, and checking the box in the registration form, whichever is applicable, you hereby entirely and irrevocably consent and agree to the collection, use, storage, processing, transferring, sharing, or other handling of your personal information by Pfizer and its authorized agents and contractors whether in or out of Saudi in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Your access to and use of the Site are subject to this Privacy Policy and to our Terms of Service as updated from time to time.

You may choose not to submit personal information to us, but this can result in us not being able to provide certain information to you.

Our Site may contain links to third party websites, content and services that are not owned or controlled by Pfizer. Pfizer is not responsible for how these properties operate or treat your personal information so we recommend that you read the privacy policies and terms associated with these third party properties carefully.

Our Privacy Policy is organized in the following sections.

  • Information we collect and use
  • How we use personal information
  • How we share your personal information
  • Cookies and other tools
  • Security policies
  • Your privacy choices, updates, and other rights
  • Transfer of data to other countries
  • Minors’ privacy
  • Contact us
  • Updates to our Privacy Policy

Information we collect and use
You hereby acknowledge and agree that we collect personal information you choose to provide, e.g. through registrations, applications and surveys, and in connection with your inquiries. For example, you may choose to provide your name, contact information, health, insurance and/or financial information in connection with a promotion, a patient assistance or support program or a clinical trial. Users may choose to provide information relating to their specialties and professional affiliations.

In addition, we may gather information about you automatically through your use of the Site, e.g. your IP address and how you navigate our Site. See also the section below on Cookies and other tools.

From time to time, we may use or augment the personal information we have about you with information obtained from third parties. For example, we may use such third party information to confirm contact or financial information, to verify licensure of users or to better understand your interests by associating demographic information with the information you have provided.

You hereby undertake that your personal information provided by you as prescribed in this Privacy Policy is correct, up-to-date, and true, and you shall be responsible for its correctness. In no case shall we be liable for any incorrectness of the personal information you provided.

You understand and agree that if you provide us any personal information pertaining to a third party, you shall be responsible for obtaining his/her consent and you shall hold us harmless from any claim of any type from any third party for using his/her personal information.

How we use personal information

By accessing our Site or through the registration form and/or using our apps, you hereby acknowledge and agree that we may use your personal information in the following ways:

We may use your personal information to respond to your inquiries and, subject to the local laws and regulations, provide the information you request. We will provide the specific materials you request as well as communications about related products, brands, health topics and disease states. We also use your information to deliver the content and information we believe you will find the most relevant. For example, a female user may receive information on products targeted at women that a male user will not see; a user who treats arthritis may receive information relating to new arthritis therapies. In addition, we may use personal identifiers to recognize you when you arrive at the Site via an external link such as a link appearing on a third party site or in an email Pfizer has presented to you. See also our Cookies and other tools section below. We will also use your information to provide customer service and support.

Our Site may offer various tools and functionality. Some of these are provided by Pfizer while others are provided by third parties. For example, Pfizer may provide functionality on the Site that will allow you to forward and share certain content with a friend or colleague. In addition, the Site may also offer third party sharing functionality such as third party social media widgets/tools/buttons. If you choose to use Pfizer sharing functionality to refer someone to our content, products or services, we will use your information and that of the individual you are sharing with to send the content or link you request, but we do not access, store or use the information relating to the individual you wish to share with other than in connection with your request, based on the legitimate interest basis of providing direct marketing message to such individual. If you use third party sharing functionality, including social media widgets/tools/buttons, such use is subject to the third party’s privacy policy and terms. As with all links to non-Pfizer websites/content/services, we recommend that you read the privacy policies and terms associated with these third party properties carefully.

Some products, services and information we offer may only be suitable for/accessible to users meeting certain eligibility or other criteria. In such cases, we may verify that you meet such criteria. For example, we may use information we collect directly from you and from outside sources to validate your licensure and eligibility to use Site.

On occasion, Pfizer may offer special programs, activities, clinical trials, events or promotions via the Site or links contained therein (“Special Programs”) that have specific terms, privacy notices and/or informed consent forms that explain how any personal information you provide will be processed in connection with the Special Program (“Special Program Terms”). Pfizer will honour those Special Program Terms with respect to your personal information. Some of these Special Programs may involve sharing information with a third party and Pfizer will provide you with notice of this and obtain your consent. You may be offered the opportunity to agree to or opt out of the sharing of your information with such third party. But, in some instances, it may be necessary to agree to share with a third party in order to participate in a particular Special Program. If you consent/do not opt out, we will share your information with the third party; and the personal information you provide may be used by the third party in accordance with the Special Program Terms and, unless provided otherwise in such Special Program Terms, for their own purposes in accordance with their own policies/terms. We strongly suggest you review both the Special Program Terms and any applicable third party policies/terms before participating.

We use the information you provide to better understand how our products and services impact you and those you care for, to track and respond to safety concerns and to further develop and improve our products and services. For example, you may be invited to participate in a survey relating to our products or services (provided through our local distributors/partners) or to participate in various programs or panels of experts. In addition, we use the information you provide to comply with our regulatory monitoring and reporting obligations including those related to adverse events, product complaints, patient safety, and/or other vital interests (e.g., prevention or suppression of danger to life, body or health of any person.

From time to time, we seek out individuals who have benefitted from or recommend our products and services (provided through our local distributors/partners).

We may use your personal information for our improvement of Site and internal reference.It is important to note that no information presented in the Site is intended as a substitute for the clinical judgments of the healthcare practitioners. You should examine and independently verify the contents and the information provided through Site and are solely responsible for their use or misuse.

We reserve the right to collect and use your personal information as required by law, when we believe the collection and/or use is necessary to comply with a regulatory requirement, judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us, or to protect the safety, rights, or property of our customers, the public or Pfizer.

We may collect and use your personal information for our legitimate interest, including without limitation, for transferring your personal information within Pfizer Group companies and entities, preventing fraud, data breaches or cyber attacks, improving customer experiences, and/or litigation purpose.

We may collect and use your personal information for public interest, including without limitation, for the benefit of studying or compiling statistics for the public interest of which your personal information will be kept confidential and for performance of our other task(s) for public interest.

We may collect and use your personal information if it is necessary for the performance of a contract with us that you are a party, or to proceed with your request before entering into such contract with us. How we share your personal information You acknowledge and agree that Pfizer may share your personal information as follows:

If we sell or transfer a business unit (such as a subsidiary) or an asset (such as a website or an application) to another company, we may share your personal information with such company and require such company to use and protect your personal information consistent with this Privacy Policy.

We may retain other companies and individuals to perform services on our behalf and we may collaborate with other companies and individuals with respect to particular products or services (collectively, “Providers”). Examples of Providers include data analysis firms, credit card processing companies, customer service and support providers, email and SMS vendors, web hosting and development companies and fulfillment companies. Providers also include our co-promote partners for products that we jointly develop and/or market with other companies. Some Providers may collect information on our behalf on our Site. These third parties may be provided with access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but they may not use such information other than on our behalf and subject to contracts that protect the confidentiality of the information. In addition, as noted above, we may share information with third parties in accordance with Special Program Terms unless you opt out/do not consent.

We reserve the right to disclose your personal information as required by law, when we believe disclosure is necessary to comply with a regulatory requirement, judicial proceeding, court order, or legal process served on us, or to protect the safety, rights, or property of our customers, the public or Pfizer.

We may share your personal information for our legitimate interest, including without limitation, for transferring your personal information within Pfizer Group companies and entities, preventing fraud, data breaches or cyber-attacks, improving customer experiences, and/or litigation purpose.

We may share your personal information for performance of our task(s) for public interest.

We may share your personal information for vital interests, including without limitation, to prevent or suppress of danger to life, body or health of any person.

We may share your personal information if it is necessary for the performance of a contract with us that you are a party, or to proceed with your request before entering into such contract with us.

Cookies and other tools
Pfizer and its business partners collect information about you by using cookies, tracking pixels and other technologies (collectively, “Tools”). We use this information to better understand, customize and improve user experience with our services and offerings as well as to manage our advertising. For example, we use web analytics services that leverage these Tools to help us to understand how users engage with and navigate our Site, e.g. how and when pages in a site are visited and by how many users. We may offer our users a more customized, relevant experience on our Site using these Tools by delivering content and functionality based on your preferences and interests. If you have provided us with personal information, e.g. through a registration or a request for certain materials, we may associate this personal information with information gathered through the Tools. Your web browser can be set to allow you to control whether you will accept cookies, reject cookies, or to notify you each time a cookie is sent to your browser. If your browser is set to reject cookies, websites that are cookie-enabled will not recognize you when you return to the website, and some website functionality may be lost. The Help section of your browser may tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting cookies. To find out more about cookies visit www.aboutcookies.org .

Security policies
We use technical, administrative and procedural measures in an attempt to safeguard your personal and other information from unauthorized access or use. No such measure is ever 100% effective though, so we cannot absolutely guarantee that your personal and other information will be secure from theft, loss, or unauthorized access or use, and we make no representation as to the efficacy of the measures we use to safeguard such information. Users are responsible for maintaining the secrecy of their own passwords. If you have reason to believe that your interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if you feel that the security of any account you might have with us has been compromised), please immediately notify us by contacting us at ####@pfizer.com Personal information including health information will be stored and retained for as long as is needed for the purposes for which it was collected. This period may extend beyond our relationship with you but only insofar as is required or permitted by law.

Your privacy choices, updates AND OTHER RIGHTS
You may always request to access and/or update your personal information and your preferences. Limited communications may be necessary in order for you to participate in a particular program or service. Different programs and services may offer different phone numbers, links or preference managers that allow you to inform us of your updates and choices, including opting out of particular communications. These contact options are typically available on our Site or in the emails or texts we send but you may always contact our officer for assistance at ####@pfizer.com if you have any difficulty finding these tools or otherwise updating your information or preferences.

Transfer of data to other countries
You acknowledge and agree that any information you provide to Pfizer through use of the Site or through the registration form may be stored and processed, transferred between and accessed from the United States and other countries, for the purpose the information was collected, which may not guarantee the same level of protection of personal information as the one in which you reside. However, Pfizer will comply with applicable laws and regulations and will use our best endeavours to ensure that your transferred information will be processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy. By continue using the Site and/or providing personal information to us and checking the box in the registration form, whichever is applicable, you consent to Pfizer's cross-border transfer of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Minors’ privacy
We are committed to protecting the privacy of minors. We may collect personal information of minors (under the age of 18), provided that parental or guardian consent has been given.

Contact us
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about your personal information or require assistance in managing your choices and rights.

Pfizer Saudi Limited
Riyadh, airport road
Qurtoba district Business gate complex, building no. 7 , 2nd floor.
Tel :+966 12 2293500

Updates to our Privacy Policy
From time to time, we may update and timely post revisions to this Privacy Policy. Any changes will be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Privacy Policy. If the Privacy Policy changes in a way that significantly affects how we collect, use, store, process, disclose, share and/or transfer your personal information, we will not use, store, process, disclose, share and/or transfer the personal information we previously gathered in the manner described in the new policy without providing notice and obtaining your consent. After such material change, you may choose not to provide your consent to us, but this can result in us not being able to provide certain information to you. Minor changes to the policy without notice or consent may occur but will not affect how we collect, use, store, process, disclose, share and/or transfer your personal information. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. This Privacy Policy was updated as of the effective date listed above.

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